Innovative cutlery from natural and renewable raw materials

Best environmental footprint of all single-use plastic alternatives.

Why to choose Frenvi products?

With FRENVI’s technology, other tableware products with complicated shapes and bio-based materials can also be produced without any problems due to the machine flexibility. 

The biological residues from the food and beverage industry, which are being researched in more detail in our research projects, can also be processed with our technology.

Frenvi - greentech company for edible disposable ustensils and compostable solutions from waste materials

We at FRENVI focus on reducing plastic waste. At FRENVI, we replace conventional plastic cutlery with our edible EATlery® cutlery products made from natural ingredients. 

In addition to edible disposable solutions, we are also actively involved in research and development projects with partner companies from the food and beverage industry in Germany and India. 

Our R&D projects aim to reduce waste in the food and beverage industry by upcycling the biological residues to develop and produce alternative zero-waste tableware products and packaging solutions.

FRENVI partners

Frequently asked questions

What are the EATlery® cutlery products made of?
Our products consist of a sustainable and natural grain mix. These include sorghum flour, wheat flour and natural flavors. They are also 100% vegan, halal, kosher and GMO-free.
How long does the edible EATlery® cutlery retain its shape in cold or hot dishes?
Our EATlery® cutlery last between 40-50 minutes in hot dishes (such as pasta, currywust & more) and between 50-60 minutes in cold dishes (such as salad, ice cream, milkshakes & more). It can then be eaten completely, leaving behind ‘’Zero – Waste’’.
Can I reuse EATlery® edible cutlery after one use?
Since these are edible disposable products, we recommend using the spoon only once and then consuming it.
What allergens are contained in EATlery® edible cutlery products?
Our EATlery spoons are made from a natural mix of different grains, they are incredibly delicious and vegan.
What is the minimum shelf life of the EATlery® spoons?
The minimum shelf life of the EATlery© spoons is 12 months.
Does the EATlery® cutlery influence the taste of the dish?
No. Our edible products do not affect the taste of your dish. Only when the spoon (or fork) is nibbled does the delicious taste of its own unfold.
What does the company name FRENVI and the brand names EATlery® and COMPOSTware® stand for?
FRENVI stands for FRiendly ENVIronment. EATlery® combines FRENVI's edible product line as a private label and consists of EAT and Cutlery. COMPOSTware combines COMPOST (composting) and goods (English: goods or products) as the own brand of the naturally compostable product line.
Where are FRENVI products manufactured?
Our current production location is Bangalore (India). However, from spring 2025 we will produce in Mannheim (Germany) and open our first fully automated production facility.
What happens if EATlery® edible cutlery accidentally ends up in the environment? Is that a problem?
EATlery® should ideally be eaten completely, or otherwise disposed of correctly. However, since our cutlery products are made from natural and biodegradable ingredients, our products can also be easily composted in your own garden. The spoon decomposes within 30 days.
Will there be other FRENVI products in addition to edible cutlery?
Yes, in addition to edible disposable utensils under the brand name EATlery®, FRENVI also develops, and researches compostable solutions made from residues from the beverage and food industries. Interesting research projects are already underway for our future products with a focus on “upcycling
Isn’t wooden cutlery much more sustainable and cheaper than EATlery®?
Yes, it is cheaper to work with as it requires less transformation and treatment. Nevertheless, wood is often treated with chemicals to increase debility and resistance to moisture & pests. Disposal of these chemicals can then have a negative impact on the environment.
Do you have any other products besides EATlery?
Yes, the two product lines COMPOSTware and REuse. COMPOSTware includes our compostable plates made from rice bran & straws made from rice flour. REuse includes our stylish reusable tableware made from responsible harvest residues such as coffee husks, rice husks, rice straws or bamboo bowls!

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